Thursday, April 10, 2008

Movie Soundtracks

Ahhh The Pulp FIction soundtrack for sure! I remember my buddy Jarrod Holt was the first one in the crew to see the movie and he was a big soundtrack buff at the time, so he went out and bought it right away and played it for the rest of us. So i heard the soundtrack before i even saw the movie and instantly fell in love w/ both. It had some of everything and went along great w/ that whole retro bohemian underground gangster thing. I ended up seeing that movie six times in the theater. That movie, and definitely the soundtrack molded a big part of my teenage years & a lot of the way i see things now.

1 comment:

The Gardner's said...

Ok. Same here! I love that soundtrack too...and Pulp Fiction was a huge part of my teenage years also. Duh! I forgot about so many of these.